14 Mar 2025

New Attraction Opens at Parques da Serra

New Attraction Opens at Parques da Serra

Photos: Wiegand

(eap) A new attraction was recently added to the Parques da Serra in Canela, Brazil. Namely, the first “Wie-Flyer” from the German company Wiegand on the South American continent. The Wie-Flyer is an interactive suspended ride in which passengers fly along a winding route in two-person gondolas. The newly opened model in the south of Brazil has a track length of 455 meters and is equipped with a total of six “TwinSeater” gondolas. Passengers can control the speed of the gondola (max. 30 km/h) using a joystick positioned centrally between the seats.

In Germany, the Wie-Flyer has so far been installed at Inselberg Funpark in Thuringia and Schwaben-Park in Baden-Wuerttemberg (see EAP 3/2020). ■


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