17 May 2024

New Attraction for Water Parks: “Cinesplash 5D Outdoor”

New Attraction for Water Parks: “Cinesplash 5D Outdoor”

Concept Art: courtesy of Attraktion!

(eap) Motion-based seats in the water pool, combined with a 3D screen and special effects: The Austrian manufacturer Attraktion! has now further developed its established product “Cinesplash 5D” – an indoor effect motion theatre for water parks and leisure pools – and presents the new “Cinesplash 5D Outdoor” variant. A 5D motion system is installed in an outdoor pool and a large, high-resolution 3D LED screen is installed in front of it, which is suitable for daylight use. Water park guests take their seat and put on shutter glasses to enjoy the multi-dimensional cinema experience with special effects. As no building is required for this new outdoor version of the Cinesplash attraction, the construction costs are correspondingly reduced. In addition, other gusts also have a clear view of the fun and get tempted to try it out... ■

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