25 May 2023

New Giant Frisbee Swinging through OCT Happy Valley Nanjing

(eap) The OCT Happy Valley theme park in Nanjing, eastern China, has recently been enriched by a new thrill attraction: German manufacturer Huss Park Attractions supplied a “Giant Frisbee 40”, which was installed in the “Happy Time” themed area and now swings action-seeking park guests through the air.

The maximum height reached is 43 meters, which promises not only a high adrenaline level for riders, but also an eye-catcher visible from afar for watching visitors. To reach this maximum height, the 25-meter long pendulum arm swings out to both sides by up to 120 degrees. Passengers sit on floorless seats secured by shoulder restraints (a total of 40 seats are available), facing outward.

As soon as the pendulum is in full swing, forces ranging from -0.5 to 4.5 G act on the passengers. The maximum speed of the pendulum motion reaches 110 km/h. According to the manufacturer, the maximum hourly capacity is 1,000 guests – a high-throughput ride that now joins the portfolio of the currently 41 attractions at Happy Valley park Nanjing. ■

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