11 Jan 2024

New Napoleon Escape Room Adventure with Mixed-Reality

New Napoleon Escape Room Adventure with Mixed-Reality

Photos: Courtesy of Realsim

(eap) Ebelsberg Castle in Linz (Upper Austria) was once a setting of the Napoleonic Wars. Recently, it became home to a new escape room adventure dedicated to the French emperor who ruled at the beginning of the 19th century. Guests slip into the role of General André Masséna – the task is to free Napoleon Bonaparte, who is imprisoned in the castle, and defend him against the Austrian troops. The authenticity of the mission is created not only by the corresponding costumes (in which the escape room players can also have their photo taken) and numerous props, but in particular by specially created holograms that become visible using a data headset (model: “HoloLens 2”, Microsoft) and guide through the adventure. A mixed-reality experience that was designed and realised by the Austrian companies Realsim (developer of the hologram applications) and Weigl Control (show control technology) in collaboration. The computer unit integrated into the data headset is fed the content via an application from Realsim, while a special protocol enables communication with control units from Weigl (read also our Technology News in EAP 3/2021). Various special effects round off the experience in the Napoleon escape room. ■

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