15 Sep 2010

Nintendo Theme Park: Big Boss is Doing Guesswork


The idea isn’t new but at the same time more than obvious: Nintendo has created numerous characters over the years that are so familiar to kids like Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck: “Mario” is just one of these characters, probably the latest and most popular one. Satoru Iwata, Nintendo’s big boss, committed himself to in-house discussions concerning the construction of a Nintendo theme park on the occasion of a recently given investors’ conference. He had expressed that the company’s head is aware of the big potential of such a theme park. In doing this, Iwata articulated his demands for a possible Nintendo park: It has to be fundamentally different from all existing theme parks in the world. His statements could possibly be taken as his “go” for a Nintendo theme park, (maybe in Japan?) provided that there will be submitted a convincing basis concept first. (eap)


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