21 Oct 2021

Saudi Arabia Announces New Tourism Destination “THE RIG.” to Be Built on Offshore Platforms

With the tourism destination “THE RIG.”, the Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF) has announced the next ambitious project within the framework of the state’s “Saudi Vision 2030” development strategy, which aims to diversify the national economy with a focus on the travel and leisure sector, among other markets.

Three hotels, several restaurants as well as attractions and adventure sports facilities are to be built on oil production platforms in the Persian Gulf, covering a total area of 150,000 square metres. Future holidaymakers and visitors to “THE RIG.” will be able to travel to the platforms by helicopter, for which several landing sites are planned. International guests, especially from the GCC countries (GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council), are to be addressed as the target group of the future holiday and leisure offer. A focus in the development of the tourism destination is on sustainability, as the PIF points out: “‘THE RIG.’ seeks environmental protection in the project’s area, in line with global best practices and in support of Saudi Arabia’s efforts to preserve the environment.“

Another giga-project in Saudi Arabia’s tourism development strategy is currently being rolled-out on the country’s west coast: with a total of 28,000 square kilometres, The Red Sea Project encompasses both coastal stretches and an archipelago with over 90 islands and will include holiday and recreation facilities in the luxury segment (c.f. EAP News of 22 Apr 2021). (eap)

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