13 Jul 2016

Spain: Terra Natura Benidorm Shows Animals in 3D Videos

As the first of Spanish zoos, Terra Natura Benidorm offers visitors the opportunity to observe the park’s animals from another perspective in 3D short movies. In 360 degree images the animals are shown as close as possible in their environment, creating some special snapshots in this way. The multimedia offer complements general information given about the animals and should strengthen the viewers' environmental consciousness. The videos, which are produced in cooperation with Metour Virtual Reality, can be seen on platforms like YouTube and Facebook. With this development, the Terra Natura zoo keeps up with the times. Juan Guerrero from Metour Virtual Reality said: “The focus should be laid increasingly on technology so that guests can enjoy their visit in a more intensive way.” The belonging Aqua Natura Benidorm park recently opened a new area where guests can try out several games with VR glasses. (eap)

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