The „Best Austrian Thermal Spa Complex“ is Located in Bad Schallerbach

Die Sieger: Eurothermen-Generaldirektor Markus Achleitner (mi.) flankiert von den Vertretern der Therme Stegersbach (li.) und der Therme Loipersdorf (re.).
According to a recent study of the independent polling firm from Vienna, for which more than 5,500 daily guests of all thermal spa and bathing complexes in Austria were surveyed within a period of twelve months, EurothermenResort Bad Schallerbach was voted the “best thermal spa” in Austria. The participants of the online survey were asked to evaluate 35 local thermal spa complexes according to 44 criteria. Markus Achleitner, Managing Director of EurothermenResorts, was proud to receive the mention. Therme Stegersbach in Burgenland came in the second place; Therme Loipersdorf in Styria was voted number three. (eap)