10 Jan 2008

US-Multi AECOM swallows reputable ERA

As made public at the end of November, AECOM Technology Corporation, a US listed company based in Los Angeles, has acquired Economic Research Associates (ERA), a reputable consultancy company in the leisure industry. ERA is also a much in demand and always highly regarded competent partner on the old continent particularly due to its London branch. With the aid of the AECOM platform, ERA is hoping for an improved access to the global markets and thus additional growth. AECOM has an annual revenue of more than four billion US$ and is active in 60 countries. AECOM is renowned as a leading technology and management service provider. AECOM is also the world’s largest architecture, design and consultancy company. AECOM has reported several acquisitions worldwide during the recent months, e.g. the acquisition of City Mark in December, the largest private design and architecture company in the Chinese boomtown Shenzhen. In December, AECOM also reported the contract signing for an order from the US Department of Defence worth more than 63 million US$  – this involves current service orders for the US Army in Iraq. (eap)


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