09 Jul 2020

USA: Universal Resort Receives Million Dollar Financial Help

USA: Universal Resort Receives Million Dollar Financial Help

In order of the ground development for its new and third theme park Epic Universe, which is scheduled to open in 2023, Universal Orlando Resort has received a million dollar financial help from the Orange County. To relocate a large wastewater pipeline, which cuts straight through future park‘s ground, the resort received 5.02 million Dollars (4.47 million Euro). The pipes will be replaced and rerouted to the outside boarders. The agreement will provide capital charge credits to reimburse 40 percent of the cost of the project.

“The most immersive and innovative theme park“, according to the resort, is currently under constrcution on a 300 hectares-large ground (cf. EAP news of 2 Aug 2019). (eap)

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