“SaunaPremium“ Cerfificate for Saarland Therme

Foto: von rechts nach links: Annick Berner (Geschäftsführerin Sarreguemines Tourisme), Lisa Schors (Betriebsleiterin Saarland Therme), Peter Gillo (Direktor des Regionalverbandes Saarbrücken), Andreas Schauer (Geschäftsführer Saarland Therme), Rolf-Andreas Pieper (Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Sauna-Bundes)
Recently the quality seal „SaunaPremium” has been awarded to Germany’s Saarland Therme. Many invited guests were present when Rolf-Andreas Pieper, CEO of the German Sauna-Bund, handed over the seal to Lisa Schors, COO, and Andreas Schauer, general manager of the facility. In order to receive the certification, a few controls and a mystery check were necessary beforehand. An independent assessor checked whether Saarland Therme includes a large sauna area, different cool-down areas, a swimming pool and several wellness services. In addition to the criteria mentioned, Rolf-Andreas Piper was impressed by the Moorish-Andalusian architecture of the building, health-conductive infusions and infusion schedules available for the guests as well as the restaurant’s diversified offer of Mediterranean food. Very high standards of hygiene and qualified staff also contributed to receiving the certification.
The seal “SaunaPremium” is the highest certification the German Sauna-Bund awards to sauna operators. Its purpose is to inform guests about a facility’s services, to provide higher security and to offer an orientation aid. Currently around 80 German sauna facilities are certified “premium saunas”. The certificate is awarded for three years before a new quality check is required. (eap)