Austria: Asia Spa Leoben Receives European Health & Spa Award

(v.l.n.r.): Kurt Wallner, Bürgermeister der Stadt Leoben, Elisabeth Jobstmann, Beiratsvorsitzende Asia Spa Leoben und Nicole Schedlbauer, kaufmännische Betriebsleiterin des Asia Spa Leoben
© © Helga Dietmaier
Once a year in Viena, the Agency for Health and Wellness (G.: “Agentur für Gesundheit und Wellness”) hands out the “European Health & Spa Awards” for outstanding spa and health offerings. Applicants are rated in a two-stage procedure, first by so-called “mystery” clients, second by an expert jury. Already for the second time, Austria’s Asia Spa Leoben received the award this past June.
Offering a wide range of wellness and health offerings, including a Finnish sauna, a sauna in teahouse design, an aromatic steam bath, a herbal sauna and a Tepidarium (a “sauna of five elements” known from traditional Chinese medicine) among other services, the whole bathing complex features an Asian design scheme. “We are proud to once again have received this highly recognized industry award. It proves our strategy to further develop a highly versatile offer and to ensure best quality in the right way,” said Nicole Schedlbauer, Commercial Director of Asia Spa Leoben. (eap)