Austria: Swarovski Kristallwelten Welcome 14 Millionth Visitors

(v.l.n.r.): Carla Rumler (Cultural Director Swarovski), Multimedia-Künstler André Heller, die Jubiläumsgäste Augusto & Giselle aus Brasilien (14-millionste Besucher), Markus Langes-Swarovski (Mitglied des Swarovski Executive Board), Stefan Isser (Geschäftsführer der D. Swarovski Tourism Services GmbH)
Tyrol’s Swarovski Kristallwelten – an experience world dedicated to the Swarovski brand – has recently welcomed its 14 millionth visitors since its opening in 1995. The jubilee guests – a Brasilian couple – were welcomed by a delegation of Swarovski Kristallwelten, including multimedia artist André Heller – the group surprised the guests with an exclusive tour through the museum. Besides a light show which was taking place within the frame of the current light festival event at the experience world, the couple enjoyed a tour through the “chambers of wonder”, including the four new art sceneries inaugurated this past November (cf. EAP news from December 8th, 2017).
“Breaking the visitor record number of 14 million guests proves the great success and the international appeal of the Swarovski Kristallwelten. Since 1995 we have welcomed visitors from more than 60 countries and so have turned into the most international place throughout Tyrol,” commented Stefan Isser, Managing Director of D. Swarovski Tourism Services GmbH. (eap)
Also, Isser and Austrian artist Georg Loewit revealed together with Markus Langes-Swarovski (member of the Swarovski Executive Board) and Carla Rumler (Cultural Director Swarovski) a 1.63 meter high bronze sculpture, dedicated to and resembling André Heller, “artistic father” of the Swarovski Kristallwelten. (eap)