Austria’s EurothermenResort Bad Schallerbach Implements Sustainable Energy Concept

Nachhaltige Freude über das Vorzeigeprojekt Kraftwerk Therme in Bad Schallerbach bei Eurothermen-Gen.Dir. Markus Achleitner gemeinsam mit Aufsichtsrats-Vorsitzendem LH Dr. Josef Pühringer und dem Schallerbacher-Bürgermeister Gerhard Baumgartner. (v.l.)
© © EurothermenResorts Bad Schallerbach / Andreas Maringer
Having successfully realized the relaunch of their “Aquapulco” waterpark and the construction of the new “Tropicana Cabrio Therme” within the scope of their investment plan of 30 million Euros (cf. EAP 5/2011), EurothermenResort Bad Schallerbach was also able to implement a new energy concept for 2.3 million Euros. The new energy concept entitled “Kraftwerk Therme” (roughly: power plant thermal spa) uses different sustainable energy sources providing an enormous increase in efficiency and CO2 emission savings. Furthermore, the three EurothermenResorts facilities in Bad Schallerbach, Bad Hall and Bad Ischl have entered a photovoltaic power system program of Upper Austria which aims at constructing about 800 square meters of photovoltaic panels within the next years to produce about 110,000 kWh per year. (eap)