Austria Sets a Precedent

Generaldirektor EurothermenResorts Markus Achleitner (re.) bei der Übergabe der Spende an Kuratorin Prim. Dr. Elisabeth Haschke-Becher.
Do good and talk about it – following this motto, the EurothermenResorts Group supports Karl Heinz Böhm’s campaign “Menschen für Menschen” by donating 10,000 Euros for the construction of a fountain for the new school “Oberösterreich-Schule” in Ethiopia. The school is currently being built around 100 km west of the capital Addis Abeba which will make it possible for 2,000 kids to gain access to an education in the future. The costs of around 260,000 Euros for the construction of “Metti Higher Secondary School” are solely financed by funds and aid money. The school is planned to open this year. (eap)