11 Oct 2022

China: Large teamLab Museum Soon to Open in Beijing

China: Large teamLab Museum Soon to Open in Beijing

The interdisciplinary artist collective teamLab, which specialises in digital art installations and has so far operated its own exhibition museums in Tokyo and Shanghai, among others, will soon open one of its largest locations until to date: On 19 November 2022, teamLab Massless will open its doors for the first time to fans of digital art and curious explorers in the Chaoyang Joy City shopping centre in the Chinese capital Beijing. Under the motto “Immerse, Experience & Become One”, several digital art installations can be experienced on a total floor space of 10,000 square metres with eleven-metre-high ceilings that aim to transcend material substances and blur the boundary between the human body and art.

The different exhibition spaces have titles such as “Resonating Microcosms – Solidified Light Color”, “Massless Clouds between Sculpture and Life” and “The Infinite Crystal Universe”, where projection and effects technologies provide a surreal sensation of the surroundings. In the “En Tea House” area, familiar from the MORI Building Digital Art Museum in Tokyo (also by teamLab, cf. EAP 1/2020), visitors can drink tea among the countless spheres of light and darkness (title: “Massless Suns and Dark Spheres”) and interact with their surroundings by holding up their cup to make it and the surroundings shine brightly. Other areas of the digital art experience are also designed to be interactive: In the “Future Park”, both adults and children will be able to experience collaborative creation, e.g. by drawing endangered wildlife in the space, which come to life in the artwork’s ecosystem.

TeamLab art experiences are also currently being created in other parts of the world: In Germany, the Digital Art Museum is scheduled to open in Hamburg’s HafenCity in 2024. (eap)

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