Denmark: Danish Association of Amusement Parks Gets Ready for New EN13814 Standards

Die Mitglieder des FFD trafen sich u.a. im Freizeitpark Tivoli in Kopenhagen, um Änderungen der EN13814 gemeinsam zu diskutieren
The Danish Association of Amusement Parks (Foreningen af Forlystelsesparker I Danmark, FFD) prepares its members for the upcoming EN13814 standard changes through a range of safety seminars and workshops, organized in cooperation with Mobaro Park, a Danish provider of safety and maintenance digital solutions for the attractions industry. The changes for the standard norm involve higher requirements for attractions on operation, including use risk assessments, a seamless documentation of operation as well as training and competency evaluations for staff.
“When legislations like the new EN-standard, that everyone has to comply with, gets effectuated, we feel it is a natural action that the association takes the initiative to secure every member has the right tools to secure the highest possible safety level in their parks. We all want the parks to grow with new amazing rides, but at the same time we have to put safety for the guests, employees and contractors on the top of the agenda. So, the more we can do to secure this, the better […],” commented Søren Kragelund, FFD Chairman and former CEO at Fårup Sommerland. (eap)