19 Jul 2024

Foundation of MACK Research for Innovative Technologies

Foundation of MACK Research for Innovative Technologies

Prof. Dr. Bernd Eberhardt (HdM Stuttgart), Sven Meyer (Technical Director Staatstheater Stuttgart and freelance consultant), Matthias Hauser (CEO MSC Stuttgart, Alexander Bouquet (Executive Director MACK One) and Michael Mack (Managing Partner Europa-Park and CEO & Founder MACK One) (from left to right) are delighted about the joint MACK Research initiative.

Matthias Hauser, CEO of MSC Stuttgart and Michael Mack, Managing Partner of Europa-Park and CEO & Founder of MACK One, at the signing of the contract for MACK Research. (eap) By joining forces with the Media Solutions Center (MSC) and its members – the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) and the Hochschule der Medien (HdM; Media University) – MACK One aims to drive forward pioneering research in the leisure industry through the newly founded MACK Research initiative.

The aim of the cooperation is not to develop finished products, but to gain new insights, with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and the use of state-of-the-art technologies to gain new experiences and prototypes that can later be transformed into marketable solutions.

“We at MACK One are beyond. We are driven by a pioneering spirit to try out new things, to be first movers in the industry, to enter new territories with our work. That's why we seek synergy in futurology and the support of science with the help of MACK Research,” says Michael Mack, Managing Partner of Europa-Park and CEO & Founder of MACK One.

MACK One – originally an in-house agency of Europa-Park which is founded and managed by the Mack family – is now internationally active as a company for the design and consulting of innovative theme park design, media-based entertainment and media content. ■



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