07 Nov 2016

Free New ePaper on Informal Education

Informal education – in the leisure industry also referred to as “Edutainment” – has experienced a significant upswing in recent decades. In Germany, yearly more than a hundred million guests visit animal parks, natural reserves, botanic gardens and historical sites. Also the amusement parks have recognized the huge potential of entertaining education offers to draw more visitors.

The new German ePaper “Informelle Bildung – Natur- und Kulturerbe freizeitorientiert vermitteln” on informal education published by Dr. Lars Wohlers (CEO of KON-TIKI, Office for Education and Experience Planning) contains many useful tips for teaching and practice. Free chapters in German language can be downloaded here. (eap/Dr. Lars Wohlers)


Wohlers, Lars (2016): Informelle Bildung – Natur- und Kulturerbe freizeitorientiert vermitteln. Heiligenthal: Eigenverlag. (Kap. 1+2) (68 S., ISBN 978-3-00-052264-2, 1. Aufl.)

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