GB/Kuwait: Cartoon Network World in Kuwait Adds “Immersive Adventurer“ Attraction to its Entertainment Offer

(f.l.t.r.): Abdullah Al-Hammad, Future Kid Development Department Manager, Simworx CEO Terry Monkton, Future Kid CEO Madam Rasha Al-Ghunaim, Bella Rochfort from Cartoon Network and Simworx Sales Director Edward Pawley
Kuwait’s Cartoon Network World, which is operated by Future Kid Entertainment & Real Estate Company and currently under redevelopment, will add an “Immersive Adventurer Ride“ from Simworx to its line-up of attractions.
The 3-DOF motion simulator, which the British manufacturer had introduced to its product portfolio earlier this year, will feature a total of 13 video screens and a range of 4D special effects. Equipped with 16 seats, it will enable passengers to immerse themselves into the world of popular “Ben 10” cartoon series. (eap)