21 Apr 2022

Germany: A Hint of Himalaya in Berlin

Germany: A Hint of Himalaya in Berlin

On an area of 60,000 square meter, visitors to Tierpark Berlin are now able to experience the new theme area, which is dedicated to the Himalaya mountains and was announced to last year in July. 100 individual animals – e.g. snow leopards, red pandas, kiangs and tufted deers – from 22 species have found a new habitat here. In the northeastern section of the Tierpark, the new area was developed within a one-year-construction-time in cooperation with the Hagen and Partner AG landscape architectual firm. The near Leipzig, Saxony-based company Krahnstöver & Wolf supplied 3,000 tonnes of natural rock and 5,000 bamboo plants for a design close to nature. The project cost a total of 5.3 million Euros, most of which was provided by the Berlin Senate Department of Finance. “[…] The new Himalaya habitat provides valuable insight into one of the most fascinating and important regions on earth – a place that urgently needs our protection“, commented Daniel Wesener, Finance Senator.

Along three different trails throughout the area, guests can find information boards (see photo) with facts about animals and plants and how they survive in the Himalaya montains. At the highest point of the “Peak Trail“, visitors are able to enjoy a panoramic view over the city of Berlin. (eap)

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