18 Jul 2022

Germany: Driburg Therme Is to Become an Anchor Offer for New Planned Hotel

Germany: Driburg Therme Is to Become an Anchor Offer for New Planned Hotel

(v.l.n.r.): Bad Driburgs Bürgermeister Burkhard Deppe und Michael Scholle (1. Beigeordneter) präsentierten ihre Pläne vor der Therme.

The Driburg Therme in North Rhine-Westfalia – owned by the town of Bad Driburg – had often made the headlines even before the pandemic. And in February, the local media reported on the city’s plans to build a spa hotel ... In April of this year, it then became public that the city feared a record debt, which is why some parties in the city council demanded savings at the Therme, among other things. There was talk of “stormy seas”, a “big hole” and “dangerous imbalance”, and the statement was made that there was no alternative to significant savings.

The spa facility in the small town east of Paderborn welcomes about 100,000 visitors per year. In order to further increase this number and generate additional guest potential, the city decided to look for an investor and operator for a new spa hotel directly adjacent to the Driburg Therme. A Europe-wide call for tenders has been launched.

Investors, hotel and spa operators can express their interest and apply until the end of September – after that, the substantive concept award procedure will start. As the city recently announced, it is planned to strive for a combination with the spa's offer and thus to develop the new hotel business in the direction of wellness and spa. This, in turn, is expected to create synergies and new guest potential for the spa complex itself. (eap)

Foto: (v.l.n.r.) Bad Driburgs Bürgermeister Burkhard Deppe und Michael Scholle (1. Beigeordneter) präsentierten ihre Pläne vor der Therme.

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