Germany: Roland Mack Receives “Made in Baden Award“

Europa-Park-Inhaber Roland Mack erhält den "Made in Baden Award" des Verbands der Badischen Wirtschaft.
For the third time in a row, Germany’s Economy Association of Baden (G.: Verband der Badischen Wirtschaft) has presented the “Made in Baden Award”, which recognizes outstanding achievements in the fields of economy, innovation, culture and art. This year’s award winners include Dr.-Ing. h.c. Roland Mack, Owner of Europa-Park, who received the award during an official ceremony held at Casino Baden-Baden.
Frank Elstner, a German television presenter who received the award in 2016 himself, held the honorific speech: “Roland Mack turned a small business in Baden’s town of Waldkirch into an internationally recognized empire. Furthermore, the Mack family is one of the largest hotel operators in the country. These achievements are an outstanding success, which were only possible thanks to Mack’s strong principles, which are still valid today,” said Elstner. Besides high professional competence and enthusiasm for the own product, Mack’s principles include strong loyalty towards employees and suppliers.
The successful entrepreneur, who was honored with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2014, founded the Europa-Park together with his father Franz Mack in 1975 – since then, the park has been turning into Germany’s largest amusement park welcoming around 5.6 million visitors in 2017. (eap)