03 Sep 2024

Herborner Pumpen Voted “Germany’s Most Crisis-Proof Company”

(eap) In an analysis commissioned by SZ Institut, the digital think tank of Germany’s Süddeutscher Verlag, to rank the “most crisis-proof companies in Germany” for the third time in a row, the Hessian company Herborner Pumpentechnik took first place. The analysis was carried out by the Creditreform group of companies, which analysed a total of 5,460 German companies in the recently presented evaluation on the basis of certain criteria. Among other key figures, the balance sheet data of the respective companies from 2020 to 2022, the balance sheet ratings from 2022 and the Creditreform creditworthiness index from 2024 were compared. The analysis describes three central factors as essential for special entrepreneurial crisis resistance to external shocks: Diversification, innovation and a solid financial structure within the respective company.

The medium-sized company Herborner Pumpen, managed by Wolfram Kuhn in the fifth family generation, convinced with these very factors in the evaluation, in addition to the analyzed key figures. “In this year’s ranking, we were recognized as the most crisis-proof company in Germany thanks to our sustainable corporate management, intensive digitalization efforts, diversification and strong financial structure. Thanks to our robust structures and the tireless work of our team, we are able to navigate safely even in turbulent times. A big compliment and thank you to everyone who made this success possible,” says the company, which is particularly well known in the international leisure industry as one of the leading pump manufacturers for water parks and pools and also recently celebrated its 150th anniversary (c.f. EAP News of 26 June 2024).

A total of 304 companies were classified as particularly crisis-resistant in this year’s SZ Institut ranking – in the analysis, these are considered equal winners. The order in the list of results presented, which can be viewed here in the full online article published by Süddeutsche, is based on the creditworthiness indices of the respective companies. In addition to Herborner Pumpentechnik as a company in the mechanical engineering sector, the “Top 20” includes companies from various industries, including wholesale and retail, manufacturers of electronic products, energy supply and the pharmaceutical industry. According to the analyses, German SMEs in particular have proven to be especially resilient and crisis-proof. ■

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