Hugo Lahme Takes Holdings in AngelEye

v.l.n.r.: Riccardo Casadei, Andrea Marcato und Hans-Joachim Wittwer hinter dem beurkundenden Notar Umberto Russo.
Hugo Lahme GmbH, based in Ennepetal, Germany, announced in early July that it had taken over one-third of the holdings in Bozen, Italy’s AngelEye Srl effective as of May 28th, 2013. AngelEye enjoys international acclaim for its expertise in the field of camera monitoring under water. Using an intelligent software program, AngelEye’s products can register persons lying motionless at the bottom of a swimming pool. Hugo Lahme Managing Director Hans-Joachim Wittwer (pictured right) joined Riccardo Casadei (pictured left) and Andrea Marcato (middle) as the Managing Directors of the company. Together, they will now promote the development of an underwater spotlight-camera system which has already been registered for patent and aesthetic model protection. This product combines the premium LED technology from Hugo Lahme with the camera equipment and software from AngelEye to create a completely new product solution (cp. EAP 1/2013). Distribution for the new system in Germany and Austria will be handled by Hugo Lahme. The two companies have been working together already since 2011, and this new holdings acquisition is aimed at putting the collaboration on a sustainable foundation for the future. (eap)