Inauguration of New Nature Conservation Center with 360-degree Cinema at Zurich Zoo
In order to make its commitment to nature conservation even more visible to visitors, Zurich Zoo has set up a Nature Conservation Center, which was officially inaugurated today and houses, among other elements, a 360-degree cinema in which current projects are impressively presented to guests. The 360-degree screen provides concrete insights into the work of Lewa savannah gamekeepers in the Kenyan wilderness, a care and rescue station in Sumatra, research into the living conditions of penguins in Antarctica, and the efforts of Kaeng Krachan National Park to promote a peaceful coexistence between elephants and humans. Another focus of the new exhibition is put on the rainforest habitat, which is home to numerous endangered species worldwide – among other things, visitors learn more about supported reforestation measures. Currently, Zurich Zoo supports eight nature conservation projects, in which a total of some 2.5 million Swiss francs (or 2.53 million euros) were invested last year alone.
© © Zoo Zürich, Nick Soland
Since this year, Zurich Zoo has also been a member of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), which, among other things, compiles and manages the “Red List of Threatened Species”. In addition to international zoos, nature conservation organizations such as the WWF and Pro Natura are also part of the organization. The union’s “One Plan Approach” aims to bring together all parties involved to work together for nature and species conservation and to raise awareness of relevant issues among people from all over the world.
© © Zoo Zürich, Nick Soland
Last year, Zurich Zoo welcomed around 1.38 million visitors. In order to remain one of Europe’s leading institutions for modern animal husbandry, nature conservation and knowledge transfer, Zurich Zoo is working on the implementation of its “Development Plan 2050” (we reported in EAP 1/22). One of the next projects is the construction of a new big cat facility: Work will begin this summer, with completion scheduled for spring 2025. (eap)