New Swimming Pool in Frankfurt-Bornheim Gets Name

V.l.n.r.: Bäder-Manager Armin Vessali, Oberbürgermeister Mike Josef, Geschäftsführer der Frankfurter BäderBetriebe Boris Zielinski, und Jan Klingelhöfer von der Stadt Frankfurt am Main bei der Vorstellung des Schwimmbad-Namens.
© Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Foto: Chris Christes
(eap) For the first time in over 40 years, a new swimming pool to be operated by Frankfurter BäderBetriebe is opening its doors this year. The new family pool is currently being built in the immediate neighbourhood of the ice rink in Frankfurt’s Bornheim district, and a name has now been announced for it. The name was chosen in a digital competition involving the public. In the end, the proposal “Main Bad Bornheim” won the race.
Mayor Mike Josef was delighted with the many suggestions and the lively participation in the vote: “I am impressed by how much interest our bathers have shown in the naming process so far and I am sure that the new pool will be correspondingly well received.” Above all, this makes one thing clear: “This shows once again the outstanding importance of the new pool for the Bornheim district, the city of Frankfurt am Main and the entire surrounding area.”
Boris Zielinski, Managing Director of Frankfurter BäderBetriebe, was also delighted with the result of the selection process: “With the name ‘Main Bad Bornheim’, we are showing how close the connection is between our most important medium, water, and the River Main as a symbol of Frankfurt. A strong name for a strong pool!”
The Main Bad Bornheim is set to welcome its first visitors this spring. When it opens, the existing Panormabad in Bornheim will cease operations. ■