Spain: New Waterpark Proposed for Oursense

Die galizische Regionalregierung Xunta plant den Neubau eines Wasserparks in Ourense Gespräche zur Konzeptplanung laufen.
The Galician regional government Xunta has recently confirmed its plans to develop a new waterpark in the Spanish city of Ourense, located close to the Portuguese border in the northwest of the country. The project is to be realized on a site of some 35,000 square meters, close to the existing sports complex Complejo Deportivo de Monterrei – a feasibility study is to be presented this year to the General Secretariat for Sports of Galicia.
Project partner for the planning and development of the new waterpark is Amusement Logic, a company based in Valencia. The total investment is estimated at just under six million Euros. (eap)