18 Sep 2015

Toverland: Special Events as Sales Boost

Special events and theme days contribute to higher attendance figures and consequently to an increase in turnover at amusement parks. This is why park operators regularly organize such events and activities in order to attract more guests. One example is the second “Borussia Mönchengladbach Fanday” which will take place on Sunday, September 20, at the Dutch Toverland amusement park. On this day, fans of the German soccer team who are dressed in Borussia Mönchengladbach shirts or wear fan articles, e.g. scarfs or caps, will get a discount of 11 euros on the regular entrance fee of 26 euros. Furthermore, the park will be decorated with flags and banners of the club and two professional players will be there for an autograph session. Toverland, which opened its “Maximum Blitz” attraction this past March (cf. EAP, issue 3/2015), is located close to the German border and can be reached within a 30-minute car ride from Borussia Park, the soccer club’s stadium. The first Borussia Fanday took place last year and was well accepted by both park guests and the soccer club. “With a temperature of more than 20 degrees and a lot of sunshine the day could not have been any better”, Borussia Mönchengladbach’s Raphael Özelli, responsible for the club’s sponsoring, says. (eap)


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