17 May 2023

Track of New Roller Coaster at Europa-Park Completed

(eap) Only four months after the installation of the first track element, the layout of the coming new roller coaster at Europa-Park, which will be the main attraction of the future “Croatia” themed area, was completed with the last track element yesterday. Specifically, the last part was installed on the 32.5 meter high Inverted Top Hat of the Stryker Coaster (by Mack Rides, based on the Big Dipper coaster model) – now, the 1,385 meter long ride track is complete. A team of 15 specialists from the company of Ride Construction Service Worldwide has installed a total of 142 track elements and nearly 500 tons of supports in recent weeks.

“Today marks another milestone in our company’s history. The new roller coaster with a Croatian theming and exciting storytelling created by Mack One is a true affair of the heart for us and will certainly become one of the best rides in Europe,” commented Michael Mack, Managing Partner of Europa-Park, during yesterday’s milestone celebration.

In the coming months work will continue on the theming and the installation of technology. The new attraction requires some 300 stators, which will catapult the trains up to 90 km/h a total of four times per ride in the future, including one reverse launch. The opening of the Stryker Coaster is planned for 2024. ■

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