12 Mar 2025

VDFU ConnEX 2025 – a Great Success

VDFU ConnEX 2025 – a Great Success

Friedhelm Freiherr von Landsberg-Velen (VDFU-Präsident), Schirmherrin Michaela Kaniber (Staatsministerin für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Tourismus), Hakon Lund (Chairman IAAPA EMEA) und Jürgen Gevers (Geschäftsführer VDFU) (v.l.n.r.) gaben gemeinsam den Startschuss zur Veranstaltung.


(eap) Yesterday, experts and managers from the German leisure industry met for the second edition of VDFU ConnEX at Motorworld in Munich. The one-day industry event, which was organized by the Verband Deutscher Freizeitparks und -Unternehmen (Engl.: Association of German Amusement Parks and Companies), proved to be a complete success! More than 600 participants – including VDFU members as well as interested parties not organized in the association and representatives of other associations – used the specialist forum to gather information and exchange ideas in 14 practical workshops and a marketplace with over 90 exhibitors. Representatives from other leisure industry associations also accepted the invitation, including a delegation from the European Waterpark Association (EWA), led by its President Jutta Kleiber and EWA Managing Director Dr. Klaus Batz, the President of the Verband der Zoologischen Gärten (Association of Zoological Gardens), Prof. Dr. Jörg Junold, and Ulrike Haenel from the Verband der Hallenspielplätze und Indooranlagen (Association of Indoor Playgrounds and Indoor Facilities).

Find out more about the event in our next issue of EAP! ■

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