Cologne/Germany: First “The Three Investigators“ Escape Room Opens Today

Um das letzte Schloss vor Ablauf der Zeit öffnen zu können und sich aus dem Escape Room zu befreien, müssen die Spieler gemeinsam verschiedene Rätsel lösen ...
© © Natalie Bothur
Today sees the opening of the first escape room dedicated to the heroes of the “The Three Investigators” juvenile book series (G. title: “Die drei ???”), written by American author Robert Arthur in the early 1960s, which after the termination of production in the United States in 1993 was further narrated und published in Germany. Under the title “Mission Rocky Beach”, Cologne’s new escape room offers four themed rooms in which small groups between two and six persons have to solve mysterious crime cases at the side of the book’s characters Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw and Bob Andrews (read also our trend special feature on Escape Rooms in EAP 3/17).
Behind “Mission Rocky Beach” are the companies AWC AG, the KOSMOS Publishing House, Sony Music Entertainment / Europe and the escape room operator MRB Escape Room GmbH (partly owned by Hungary-based American Escape Room Kft). The four escape room missions have been created in cooperation with German “The Three Investigators” author André Marx and the speakers of the related radio play series.
The first location of Mission Rocky Beach in Cologne will be followed by the opening of further “The Three Investigators”-themed escape rooms in other cities still to be determined. (eap)