Creamed Potatoes and the Guinness Book of World Records

Der französische Sterne-Koch Joel Robuchon bereitete im Rahmen der 25-Jahr-Feierlichkeiten des Futuroscope über 1 Tonne Kartoffelpüree zu, was dem Park einen Eintrag ins Guinessbuch der Rekorde brachte.
The Guinness Book of World Records is always popular, and the most idiotic records attain significant media attention creating publicity, publicity, publicity! What recently happened in front of 8,000 visitors at French amusement park Futuroscope near Poitiers is no exception: To make it into the Guinness Book of World Records, the park restaurant cooked up 1,042 kg of creamed potatoes! There is no further information on whether all 1,042 kg were eaten or how the creamed potatoes tasted. (eap)