11 Aug 2023

Europa-Park Announces Name and Details of New Roller Coaster

 Europa-Park Announces Name and Details of New Roller Coaster

Photo: Courtesy of Europa-Park

(eap) “Voltron Nevera powered by Rimac” will be the name of the new and thus 14th roller coaster of Europa-Park – this was announced yesterday ceremonially, in the presence of the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on the Croatian island of Hvar. The coaster by MACK Rides, which is scheduled to open next year, will be the highlight of Europa-Park’s new Croatian themed area. The name of the Stryker Coaster refers to the Bugatti Rimac joint venture with which the theme park is cooperating on the roller coaster project. Developed by the Croatian company Rimac Automobili, “Rimac Nevera”, is the fastest electric car in the world. In addition, “Nevera” is used in Croatian as a term for a sudden, short storm, which can generate a lot of energy at lightning speed. Likewise, the new “Voltron Nevera” coaster also offers a rush of speed in a very short time. Four times the coaster trains are accelerated up to 90 km/h – once of them backwards. The 1,385-meter-long track, besides seven inversions and zero gravity moments, the world’s steepest launch with 105 degrees directly after the catapult start is waiting for adrenaline junkies.

“The cooperation is the perfect match. There couldn’t be a better one than Mate Rimac with his team, because the company is 100 percent authentic. It is important for Europa-Park to strive for cooperations that take place at eye level. That is why we are particularly looking forward to the cooperation. The cooperation brings together a young generation that thinks outside the box. We are united by our entrepreneurial spirit, our passion for acceleration and our special relationship with Croatia. My wife Miriam comes from this country and as such plays an important inspiring role in the design of the new themed area. That our new cooperation partner is now also from Croatia makes me very proud”, says Europa-Park Director Michael Mack about the cooperation.

Mate Rimac, CEO of the Rimac Group, adds: “The history of the Mack family is very fascinating to me. What has been built up here over generations is incredible. The combination of Europa-Park and Bugatti Rimac is a great fit: We do crazy things in the automotive industry and Europa-Park does crazy things in the area of attractions. This is where visionaries and top engineers meet, both striving to be the best in their field. For me, it is an honor that Germany’s largest theme park presents not only our innovations, but also the rich history and culture of Croatia. In less than 15 years, we have managed to build an automotive company from the ground up with more than 2,100 employees and to implement incredible projects that are changing the automotive industry, including the fastest electric car in the world – the Nevera. I want to show the younger generation what is possible when you put your heart and mind to it.”

To become even more excited for the upcoming coaster, a new 4D film produced by MACK Magic called “Voltron 4D” will be shown at Europa-Park’s “Magic Cinema 4D” starting in fall. In the 12-minute live-action film, visitors can immerse themselves in the experiments on electricity by engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla. ■

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