07 Sep 2020

Germany: Horner Bad Celebrates Roofing Ceremony

Germany: Horner Bad Celebrates Roofing Ceremony

Ten months after the groundbreaking ceremony (cf. EAP news of 12 Nov 2019) the new Horner Bad located in Bremen, Germany celebrated its roofing ceremony. The new multifunstional swimming complex, which will be operated by the Bremer Bäder GmbH, will be dedicated to recreational and professional use. Especially for sport swimmers, the indoor bath will feature ten 50 metre-long swimming lanes, which are built corresponding to competition standards. But recreational swimming will also be possible in a 100 square metre-large pool.

The outdoor pool will feature a spacious sunbathing area, a children‘s pool with water play structures as well as a multifunctional pool. “Here, a large new pool complex for recreational and sports swimming will be developed,“ comments Martina Baden, Managin Director of Bremer Bäder GmbH. Around 27 million Euros are beeing invested into the new Horner Bad (six million Euros into the outdoor pool). The new pool complex is set to open in September 2021. (eap)

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