08 Nov 2023

Modernization Work amounting to 8 Mio. Euros on Efteling’s “Piraña”

Modernization Work amounting to 8 Mio. Euros on Efteling’s “Piraña”

(eap) Modernization work amounting 8 million euros has recently begun on Efteling’s 40-year-old “Piraña” wild water ride. The first step is to demolish old artificial rocks and waterfalls, which will be replaced next year with new rock formations by Efteling designer Karel Willemen. In addition, the entire exterior façade of the ride is to be repainted and repaired where necessary. Also, the pump room will be renovated and equipped with eight new, more energy-efficient pumps. The switch boxes, lighting, loudspeakers, cameras and planting will also be renewed. In addition, the photo point of the raft ride will be rebuilt into a souvenir store.

New themed design elements such as water-spouting Inca gods will ensure that every guest is guaranteed to come out of the water ride soaking wet. “After the first waterfall, you dive into the waves with your boat, and just when you think you have the worst behind you, a huge jet of water is shot out of the water into the air. Then a half-broken and leaking aqueduct appears. The water flows directly into your small boat. In the following bend, two huge Inca statues block the passage with a wall of water! Good to know: The amount of water is adapted to the time of year and the outside temperature. So, in summer you get soaking wet, in winter a little less,” explains Assetmanager Frank Poels, describing the exciting water ride, which will be available to guests again from summer 2024. ■

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