26 Aug 2024

Moselbad in Koblenz Now Open!

Moselbad in Koblenz Now Open!

Photo: Courtesy of Müther

(eap) After just over three years of construction, the opening ceremony for the new Moselbad in Koblenz, Germany took place this past Saturday (24 August). The mayor of the city, David Langner, the responsible architect Dipl. Ing. Jan-Philip Keinemann (GSF Planungsgesellschaft P. Keinemann) and the commercial director of the operating company Koblenzer Bäder GmbH, Prof. Dr Christian Kuhn, heralded the official celebrations, the highlight of which included the inauguration of the new facilities “according to bathing tradition” (with a spontaneous jump into one of the pools).

The public of Koblenz also had the opportunity to discover the new pool complex free of charge during an “open afternoon” event on Saturday – regular guest operation at the new facility started yesterday. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the technologies used in the new Moselbad to support guest safety in the pools (also read our special feature on “AI in swimming pool safety” in EAP 3/2024).

In addition to gastronomy and outdoor areas, the complex also has a spacious sauna landscape with themed cabins such as a “wine sauna” (realized by Müther Saunabau). Read all about the modern water sports fun and relaxing wellness offers at the new Moselbad in one of our next EAP magazine issues. ■

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