30 Jul 2024

Rostock Zoo: Construction Work on New Seal Enclosure is Progressing

Rostock Zoo: Construction Work on New Seal Enclosure is Progressing

Robert Maaß und Antje Angeli vom Zoo Rostock zusammen mit Karsten Pannwitt und Danielle Zimmermann von der OSPA auf der Baustelle für die neue Robbenanlage.

(eap) Construction work on the new seal enclosure at Rostock Zoo is progressing rapidly. The ground-breaking ceremony was held in June last year (see our news from 16.06.2023) and the facility is due to open next year. In addition to a grandstand and panoramic windows for an unobstructed underwater view of the seals, the new facility will provide information about the animals as well as nature and species conservation. An installation showing the differences in size of selected seal species is planned, as well as a world hemisphere that will provide an overview of where the various seal species live. Additional information boards and exhibits will show the special abilities of the animals and the impact humans have on the seals’ habitat.

© Zoo Rostock/Joachim Kloock “The new enclosure for seals and South African fur seals is taking shape. This project also combines a modern, lifelike animal enclosure with the zoo’s educational mission and our commitment to nature and species conservation. Here, too, we will be supporting a nature and species conservation organization and our animals will be ambassadors for their conspecifics in the wild. We are particularly grateful to OSPA for their continuous support over the past 30 years, which has enabled us to realize such forward-looking projects,” emphasizes Zoo Director Antje Angeli. OSPA (OstseeSparkasse Rostock) is one of the zoo’s most important sponsors and has been the seals’ animal sponsor since 1994.

Overall, the shell of the seal facility is nearing completion. Finishing work is planned for the rest of the year, including the installation of the electrical engineering, ventilation and sanitary areas as well as the steel construction of the stables. In addition, the design work on the artificial rock structure will begin and the panes in the pool will also be installed this year. Around 20 different companies are involved in the overall project.

“We would like to thank all the companies involved for their commitment to this project. Despite the ongoing construction work and the resulting partial restrictions, a visit is worthwhile as the zoo is large and diverse. Visitors also have a great view of the building under construction from the seabird aviary, which already gives an idea of the future seal enclosure,” says Angeli. “If the winter is mild and the construction work continues to progress well, we hope to open before the summer of 2025.” ■

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