19 Sep 2024

Schönbrunn Zoo: Giant Pandas Return to China

Schönbrunn Zoo: Giant Pandas Return to China

v.l.n.r.: Tiergartendirektor Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck, chinesische Botschafterin QI Mei, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Schönbrunner Tiergarten-Gesellschaft m.b.H., Kanzler a.D. Wolfgang Schüssel, Generalsekretärin Eva Landrichtinger.

(eap) The two giant pandas from Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, have recently been relocated to their home country China, where they will spend the rest of their lives in a station specialized in geriatric pandas in accordance with Chinese tradition. Giant pandas are often a public favourite in zoos and keeping them is therefore a dream of many animal parks. The successful research cooperation between Schönbrunn Zoo and its Chinese conservation partner, the China Wildlife Conservation Association, has been extended for a further ten years to promote the protection and conservation of giant pandas and their habitat. “Our visitors will not have to do without giant pandas for long. A pair of young pandas will be moving here in the near future,” promises zoo director Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck.

The giant pandas are also a symbol of Chinese-Austrian friendship and have connected the Republic of China and Austria for over 20 years now. With the arrival of the new panda couple, there will be more space for the animals and visitors will be able to reconnect with the rare animal species. Until then, a photo exhibition around the existing panda enclosure is presenting 20 large-format photographs by zoo photographer Daniel Zupanc showing special moments of panda husbandry at Schönbrunn Zoo.

Read more about species conservation and edutainment in your next EAP magazine issue (available as of Nov 4th, 2024). ■

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