06 Sep 2024

Thermengruppe Josef Wund To Build Large PV Systems

Thermengruppe Josef Wund To Build Large PV Systems

All Photos/Visuals: Courtesy of Thermengruppe Josef Wund

(eap) Germany’s Thermengruppe Josef Wund is launching a major project as an important step towards energy self-sufficiency and CO2 reduction – the two thermal bath locations in Euskirchen and Sinsheim are to be equipped with photovoltaic systems.

On the roof of Thermen & Badewelt Sinsheim, a rooftop system with 787 modules covering an area of around 1,550 square metres is to be installed. Construction at this location is scheduled to begin this month. The Therme Euskirchen will receive not only the roof installations – 1,129 modules on an area of 2,194 square metres – but also several carports with roof-integrated PV systems that will cover the entire car park. In addition to generating electricity, this will also protect visitors from rain or sunlight on their way to the entrance to the thermal spa. The plan is to install 12,370 modules over an area of 27,370 square metres. Semi-transparent PV modules are to be used in this project, which will act as a roof covering and be installed exclusively on already sealed surfaces. According to Thermengruppe, this will be the largest in-roof PV system in Germany.

Depending on the season, the planned systems are expected to cover 40 to 50 percent of the total energy requirement in the future. The planning, design, production and installation of the PV systems and roofing at both locations will be carried out by the company of Rudolf Hörmann from the Allgäu region.

“A project of this size is an important step on our path to sustainable energy supply,” explains Edelfried Balle, CEO of Thermengruppe Josef Wund. “The construction of the photovoltaic systems is part of our sustainability strategy. The self-produced electricity will enable us to further reduce our CO2 footprint significantly,” adds Heiko Wollmann, CTO of Thermengruppe. According to the Group, the project marks the beginning of a comprehensive energy reorganisation of the thermal spas and underlines their role as an innovation driver in the industry.

Completion of the entire project at both locations is planned for late 2025. ■

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