15 Oct 2024

Transformational Masterplan for Frankfurt Zoo

Transformational Masterplan for Frankfurt Zoo

(eap) The transformation of Frankfurt Zoo takes a next step... based on the “ZOOKUNFT2030+” concept study developed in 2019, concrete design and construction plans have emerged in recent months that envisage the conversion of large parts of the zoo grounds. The aim is to position the zoo for the future by creating species-appropriate animal husbandry conditions and a zoo experience that promotes an understanding of nature and the diversity of species in a new and refreshing way. Frankfurt Zoo’s planning team, led by Director Dr Christina Geiger, the Office for Construction and Real Estate, and the design planners from Berlin-based dan pearlman Erlebnisarchitektur recently presented a master plan that outlines concrete measurements and solutions.

“Our motto ‘Experience animals – preserve nature’ gives rise to two promises that we want to fulfil. We want to bring the fascination of wildlife to life. We want our visitors to immerse themselves in the world of animals and learn something valuable. We must succeed in creating positive experiences that appeal to all the senses and make a lasting impression. In this way, we want to promote a culture of nature conservation, the central aspects of which are awareness and motivation to act. To achieve this, we want to offer a zoo experience that inspires and promotes an understanding of nature and the diversity of species. The outdated animal enclosures must therefore be replaced with new habitat facilities. The animal husbandry must be outstanding and exemplary – clearly visible to our visitors – because this is the only way we can credibly and authentically motivate people to lead a more sustainable life,” emphasizes Zoo Director Geiger.

The redesign envisages dividing the zoo into biomes – large habitats ranging from savannah to rainforest – with the architecture of the buildings largely taking a back seat and at the same time allowing visitors to experience the animals first-hand – for example, through walkways at different levels that lead through halls and aviaries. A glass tunnel under the hippos' water basin is planned as a special highlight. The redesign of two large areas is intended to create a link to the projects of the Frankfurt Zoological Society (ZGF) in Africa and South America. The African areas “Serengeti” and “Lomami” will be created in the south-west of the zoo grounds and the South American area “Manú” in the north-east. In addition, there will be several new adventure playgrounds, places to linger and gastronomic facilities.

“It is a plan that convinces and inspires me and should now be realised. The modernisation of the zoo is a fundamental part of the vision for the zoo area as a whole, which is to become a unique attraction for nature conservation, culture, education and recreation in the east of Frankfurt through the establishment of the Frankfurt Conservation Centre and the renovation of the zoo society building as well as the establishment of a children's and youth theatre,” says Dr Ina Hartwig, Head of the Department of Culture and Science at the city of Frankfurt.

Frankfurt Zoo is no exception with its comprehensive transformation plans – more and more zoological gardens and animal parks are recognizing the signs of the times and investing in modern animal husbandry conditions and visitor experiences to secure their future. Our upcoming magazine issue will also feature a special on the marketing of modern zoos in Europe – the issue will be published on November 4, 2024, stay tuned! ■

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