29 Mar 2023

Webinar with Hannover Zoo on Digital Management Tools & Dynamic Pricing

Webinar with Hannover Zoo on Digital Management Tools & Dynamic Pricing

This Friday (March 31) at 10 a.m. CEST, interested parties will have the opportunity to participate in a webinar organized by Convious with Hannover Adventure Zoo. Among other things, the adventure zoo will report on its experiences in the process of digitalization. Specifically, the topic will be how modern technologies can help to make data-based decisions in daily operations, how visitor flows can be managed better, and how processes can be optimized. At the beginning of 2021, Hannover Zoo introduced the Dynamic Pricing solution from Convious, a company headquartered in the Netherlands. We also reported on dynamic pricing in the leisure industry in our trend article on the topic in EAP issue 5/2021.

In the webinar, Sebastian Bär, Senior Manager of Digital Development, Customer Experience & Pricing at Hannover Zoo, will talk about the challenges the animal park, which is popular far beyond its region, faced before and during the Covid-19 period, so that digital management tools were finally introduced successively. Here you can register for the webinar.

Around 1.1 million guests visited Hannover Adventure Zoo during the past season. The destination employs around 500 staff members who care for the well-being of guests and animals. This year, Hannover Zoo will launch the new “Zoologicum” edutainment world, which includes an amphibian house (read also our Park Report in the current EAP issue). In addition, a new adventure playground is waiting to be discovered by young park guests (find out more in our upcoming May/June issue). (eap)

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