13 Oct 2023

Zoo Cableway in Zurich Takes One Step Further

As the Zoo Seilbahn AG cooperation announced yesterday, the Administrative Court of the Canton of Zurich has confirmed the decision of the previous instance and judged the cantonal design plan to be lawful. This confirmation provides the basis for the construction of the planned zoo cableway. “We believe that with the zoo cableway we have the perfect and most sustainable public transport connection to Zurich Zoo,” said Andreas Hohl, delegate of the Zoo Seilbahn AG board of directors. “With the decision of the administrative court, we are one step closer to our environmentally friendly vision.”

Background to the current process:


  • In May 2019, the Zurich Department of Construction approved the design plan for the zoo cableway. After the entry in the cantonal traffic guidance plan by the cantonal council, the cableway thus also received the basis for land use planning.
  • As a result of appeals, the case reached the Building Appeals Court.
  • The Building Appeals Court decided on August 21, 2020, that it would dismiss the appeals filed against the determination of the cantonal design plan or would not act on them.
  • Since an appeal was filed against this decision, the next higher instance, the Administrative Court of the Canton of Zurich, had to deal with the matter.


An appeal against the decision of the Administrative Court of the Canton of Zurich can now be lodged within 30 days. Should this happen, the next instance would be the Swiss Federal Court, which would have to judge on the cantonal design plan.

In addition to the cantonal design plan, the construction of the zoo cableway also requires planning approval from the federal government. This is expected as soon as the cantonal design plan is legally binding. It is difficult to make a forecast as to when the zoo cableway could go into operation due to the many variables in the further procedure. Provided that all decisions are made in favor of the zoo cableway, it could probably start operating in the best case from 2028 at the earliest, as Zoo Seilbahn AG indicates. The planned zoo cableway will provide fast and comfortable access to Zurich Zoo. The gondolas are suitable for baby carriages and disabled persons, the project is handled as an ecologically and economically sustainable solution. ■

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