06 Jun 2024

“Green Light” for Plopsaqua Mechelen Water Park Development

“Green Light” for Plopsaqua Mechelen Water Park Development

Image: Courtesy of Plopsa, 2022

(eap) The plans presented two years ago by the Belgian Plopsa Group to build a Plopsaqua water park in Mechelen (located in the province of Antwerp) was delayed right at the start of the development phase due to the revision of the comprehensive environmental permit application. The new version, which took numerous possible aspects into account, was submitted last summer and has now been approved by the relevant municipal bodies. This means that the “light is green” for the further progress of the project. Like the two existing Plopsaqua water parks in Belgium (in De Panne & Hannut-Landen), Plopsaqua Mechelen will include a swimming pool area for club and school sports, as well as an adventure pool section with numerous water attractions and theming (with characters from Studio 100).

In addition, the complex, which will replace the existing Geerdegemvaart indoor swimming pool, is to be integrated into its surroundings as naturally as possible. For example, there won’t be any construction measures on the south side of the building in the future but the area will remain a green zone. To ensure efficient electricity and thermal energy consumption, the park building will have its own solar collectors. A state-of-the-art water treatment plant will treat the bathing water through a closed circuit. The Plopsa Group is planning to invest around 50 million euros in its future water park in Mechelen. ■

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