12 Jul 2024

Application Phase for the interbad Innovation Award 2024 Open

Application Phase for the interbad Innovation Award 2024 Open

© Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

(eap) The application phase for the “interbad Innovation Award 2024” is open and still running through July 31, 2024. The public award was presented for the first time in 2014 as part of the international interbad trade fair in Stuttgart – for this year’s edition of the trade show taking place from 22 to 24 October, companies will once again have the opportunity to present their product innovations in an appropriate marketplace setting. Start-ups can also apply for an Innovation Award – the prerequisite is the participation in the trade fair as an exhibitor, whether with an own booth, in cooperation with a partner company or at the joint stand of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). The German ministry promotes the award initiative to support young, innovative companies from Germany in entering the global market.

The award application, which is possible online here, includes both the presentation of the respective innovation on the interbad website and directly at the trade fair. The official award ceremony with the selection of the first three places will take place on the last day of interbad (24 October) at Messe Stuttgart. ■


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