04 Feb 2019

European Waterpark Association Successfully Launches New Seminar Program in 2019

What can we do to ensure that communication about a crisis does not conclude in a new crisis? “How do I tell my guest?” or rather how do you communicate with media and public in a crisis situation? These and similar questions were asked by communication professionals during the first seminar of the European Waterpark Association (EWA) in January 2019 in Düsseldorf/Germany. The Düsseldorf-based Agentur vom Hoff PR agency provided the participants of the event with valuable information for corporate PR. The father of the current owner, Kai vom Hoff, founded one of the first PR agencies in Germany in the 1970s – at a time, when only few companies were aware of the importance of a professional public relations strategy. Today, most entrepreneurs are aware that PR can become extremely important when a company experiences a crisis of any kind, which the public gets aware of.

The seminar offered participants the opportunity to discuss the right approach in such a situation using case studies and testing statements and interviews during a camera training session. Kai Steuernagel, known in the recreational bath and spa industry as former General Manager of the monte mare group, presented a “roadmap” for the correct handling of difficult guests. For the first time, a EWA seminar was also opened for members of the German Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (Verband Deutscher Freizeitparks und Freizeitunternehmen e.V./VDFU). The feedback of the seminar participants was thoroughly positive. The cross-industry exchange brings many new insights to both sides and should therefore be continued with seminar topics that are equally relevant for both the swimming pool and park industries. (eap)
















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