Germany: Osnabrück’s Swimming Pool Facilities Register Positive 2015 Attendance Figures

Das Moskaubad-Außengelände soll auch außerhalb der Freibadsaison genutzt werden wie beim Herbstflohmarkt im Oktober 2015.
Last year, the three swimming pool and bathing complexes Nettebad, Moskaubad and Schinkelbad, all located in the city of Osnabrück, once again registered a total of almost 1.25 million visitors. Although Stadtwerke Osnabrück targeted an even higher number for 2015, the public pools’ operator was very satisfied with the result as the attendance figures of record year 2013 were slightly exceeded. Manfred Hülsmann, Stadtwerke Osnabrück’s CEO, states that this positive result is based on the facilities’ attractive offers. For a couple of years already, Stadtwerke Osnabrück has recorded constantly high visitor numbers.
As in 2014, Nettebad welcomed almost 745,000 visitors last year, making it one of the best-visited bathing complexes in Germany, according to Wolfgang Hermle, director of the three facilities. Now the aim is “to extend the visitors’ length of stay at the Nettebad facility by creating further, complementary offers such as the e-kart track, thus generating an increase in revenues,” Hermle explains. Visited by 265,000 guests in 2015, who especially demanded the textile sauna offer introduced in 2014 (cf. EAP News from September 29, 2014) and the regularly occurring events, Schinkelbad’s attendance figures remained on the same high level as in the previous years, while Moskaubad suffered from slightly declining visitor numbers with 239,000 guests. However, the outdoor pool organized three events in its outdoor area last year, which proofed to be a success with 37,000 people attending. “We intend to keep following this trend and also use the outside areas in the off-season. The concrete plans will be announced soon,” Hermle says. (eap)