31 May 2024

Zurich Zoo Publishes Annual Report 2023

Zurich Zoo Publishes Annual Report 2023

(eap) Zurich Zoo recently published its 2023 annual report. With 1.26 million visitors last year, the zoo is delighted with a very good result, which ranks fourth among the most-visited zoo years despite the slight (-8.2 %) decline compared to the exceptional record year of 2022. According to Zurich Zoo, this slight decline is mainly due to the particularly hot summer.

Last year’s figures are also pleasing for Zurich Zoo in the area of nature conservation: a total of 2.46 million Swiss francs flowed into eight global nature conservation projects in the form of direct contributions as well as goods and services. The zoo has also been supporting its nature conservation partner Madagascar in this way for 28 years. This project is closely linked to the zoo’s “Masoala Rainforest”, which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year.

In addition, a new nature conservation center was opened in spring 2023, which takes visitors on a journey to five of the zoo’s nature conservation projects in an immersive 360-degree cinema experience (see EAP-News from April 5, 2023). The aim is to show the problems that need to be solved to maintain the balance between humans, animals and nature. ■

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